Comment Policy
We appreciate you commenting and interacting with us and the other users here on our site. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us here at Kala Brand Music Co.
That being said, we also want comments to be appropriate and relevant for any and all who may access the site. With that in mind, we reserve the right to remove comments including but not limited to:
Harassing Comments: We encourage discussion and sharing ideas so long as comments are respectful to our authors and users.
Personal Information Comments: You are free to share any personal information about yourself that you’d like but please be respectful of other user's privacy.
Promotional Comments: Any comment made for the sole purpose of promoting a product.
We reserve the right to remove any comment from the site at our discretion.
Please use common sense and be considerate to the other users of the site.
If you have any questions regarding our Comment Policy, please let us know.