Kala Ambassador
Micah Du

Growing up, I was constantly exposed to music. My parents would always blast the classics through our house speakers whenever they would have the chance to. Because of this, for my entire life, music has always been my go-to in every situation I come across. It helps me focus, brings a smile to my face and never fails to make me feel even more alive. Actually, my first instrument was a guitar and years later, I started playing the piano. I also loved singing and would often use my vocals to accompany the instruments I play.
For my birthday, my aunt gave me a Makala ukulele as a present. However, I never got around playing it too often until the pandemic struck. I woke up one day with the urge to try something new. I picked up my ukulele, learned a few songs that I grew up listening to and the next thing I knew, I couldn’t stop. I instantly fell in love with it and it left me with an immense feeling of fulfillment and elation. It had become my safe place. From then on, my ukulele became my companion.
It was my relatives and friends who insisted that I create a YouTube channel. I was quite hesitant at first though, as I’m no expert, but I thought it would be a great way to express myself and share the beauty of music. So in August of 2020, I posted my first YouTube video and was overwhelmed to see that people around the world loved listening to what I do. I also started receiving a lot of messages from people saying that I inspired them to start playing the ukulele and It felt so rewarding knowing that I was able to help people find something they were interested in. This became my motivation to keep playing the ukulele and thus, I have continued posting more covers!
Ukulele Philosophy
I believe that great things are done with one chord at a time. You have the potential to do anything with music and all you have to do is try.
Tip for Beginners
Learning something new is always a bit tough in the beginning. Just stay determined and keep on practicing. Improvement happens gradually and no one becomes exemplary overnight so be patient. Don’t be afraid to learn new songs, strumming patterns, styles and more. Lastly, just have fun!
Ukulele of Choice
Makala Soprano
Ambassador on the Web
Instagram: itsmemicahduYoutube: It's Me Micah