Kala Artist - Boris Mogilevski

Boris Mogilevski is a musician, composer performer, online educator and university lecturer based in The Netherlands. As the legend goes, when Boris' teachers in middle school checked his exams, they were surprised to see lyrics and notes of his favorite songs in place of answers. Be it but an urban myth or the impartial truth, one thing was clear- Boris discovered his passion for music at an early age!

In 2011 Boris graduated at the conservatory of Rotterdam with a Cum Laude Masters degree in Jazz Guitar and in Music Education, and was immediately invited to become a music teacher at the University of Delft. Boris introduced a Ukulele course at Delft university, which quickly became one of the most popular and beloved classes in campus. Ukulele, as an instrument and philosophy, has been brought to the spotlight around the city, and with the enthusiasm of Boris' international students, beyond the city as well.

Boris has blended his classical guitar background and diverse world music knowledge with his own percussive stylistic twists to create an ukulele sound that is unique, inspired, and becoming more iconic and recognizable in the ukulele community every year!

Ukulele of Choice
The Revelator™ by Kala

Artist on the Web
Website: https://www.borisukulele.com/
Instagram: spciy.uke
Youtube: SpicyUke
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/spicyuke