Kala Artist
Tammy Byerly

Tammy Byerly is a singer-songwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area and part of the Black Pack Family as a protégé of fellow Kala Artist, Sunny Promyotin.
A hard-working musician with a growing resume of independent touring across Asia, Europe, and the United States, Tammy was able to adapt to the challenging live music landscape of 2020 by moving her one-woman show to streaming platforms like Reddit, YouTube and Twitch. Her knack for improvised material, powerful vocals, and earnest rapport with listeners have combined to make Tammy's streamed concerts a fast-growing, multi-platform hit in the digital music space.
From the angsty roots of her youth to heartfelt ballads of friendship, introspection and growth, Tammy's style is always evolving. She draws her musical inspiration and passion for life from Sunny and the whole Black Pack Family.
Ukulele of Choice
Ziricote TenorArtist on the Web
Website: https://www.tammy.tv/Twitter: @TammyBlackMedia
Facebook: byerly
Instagram: tammy_blackmedia
Youtube: Tammy_BlackMedia